Which Coins will have the most value at the launch of Pulsechain?

Which Coins will have the most value at the launch of the Pulse Network?

        Disclaimer:  I am not a certified account, lawyer or financial advisor.  Everything I write is for educational purposes.  Before conducting any of the information here, be sure to consult an expert on the topics here before executing them.

        Richard Heart, founder of the cryptocurrency, Hex, has been developing his own blockchain for about a year.  The main reason has been because of the ethereum blockchain costs and the excessive costs it has for the adoption and usage of Hex.  The cost to engage with the Hex contract has gone up astronomically.  For this reason, he decided to fork the entire Ethereum Blockchain and its smart contracts.  This is to ensure the Hex community gets a copy of their Hex.  

Every ERC-20 token and NFT will be copied over.  Some of them will have value while some will have zero value to their respective communities.  All you will need to do is store your cryptocurrencies in a non-custodial wallet like metamask or coinbase wallet.  However, not every coin is going to have value in this new system.  For those looking to get a copy of their ERC-20 tokens onto Pulse, which ones are likely to have value in the new ecosystem?  For this reason, I decided to create this article to help out the community make a decision on which coins to consider adding to your wallet.  We will divide this section into three portions, Richard Heart Coins, Hex Community Coins and ERC-20 coins.

The Richard Heart Coins

This one should be easy.  Richard Heart can claim he has created 4 different cryptocurrencies; Hex(ERC-20), pHex(PRC-20), Pulse(Layer-1 Coin), PLSX(PRC-20).  I’ll briefly explain what each one does.

Richard Heart took the game theory of Bitcoin and improved on it by providing an option to yield on your Hex.  In fact the original name was suppose to be Bitcoin Hex.  However, Richard Heart decided to drop the Bitcoin name.  What you do is take your hex, stake it for a set period time like a certificate of deposit, then unstake it at the completion of your stake.  However, as the cost of doing transactions have exploded on ethereum, it has become expensive to unstake hex.  Hence the reason for the creation of pulsechain, cheaper fees.  Just by holding onto your Hex, you will get a 1:1 copy onto the pulsechain, pHex(PRC-20).

Another coin that will have value is Pulse.  There are two ways to get pulse.  The initial way was to sacrifice coins during the pulsechain sacrifice phase in the summer of 2021.  However, that has closed.  If you are still interested in getting pulse, there is an easy solution.  Just take your ethereum and put on your metamask wallet.  You will get a 1:1 of every pulse to ethereum in your possession.  The cool thing about Pulse is its deflationary model, no more pulse will ever be created.  As pulse is used up, the supply of pulse will be burned, making it a more scarce asset overtime.

The last coin to have value is PLSX.  The best way to think about PulseX is as an Automated Market Maker like Uniswap with yield farming opportunities.  In the long run, the supply of PulseX will be burned and be made scarcer over time.  In addition to yielding opportunities, there will be an additional token known as the incentive token for providing liquidity on pulsechain. 

Hex Community Coins

Ever since the launch of Hex, Richard Heart has been able to create a large following behind him.  Some have already gone as far as to create their own projects, especially with the incoming launch of pulsechain.  Because so many people have already vested vast amounts of their own wealth into pulsechain, they have an incentive to make the ecosystem flourish.  The more utility the ecosystem has, the wealthier everyone who has used the ecosystem will become.  In fact, many of these coins will be launch with pulsechain.


Hedron is a pretty cool project.  With Hex, all you could do is either lock up your hex or have a liquid portion in your portfolio.  The latter forced you to forgo the yield you could gain from the Hex Contract.  Hedron actually fixes this.  What Hedron does is create hex stakes for you and create a NFT form of that hex stake.  If you ever need the liquidity from your stakes, you can borrow against your stake.  It is a cool idea that gives the hex contract more utility.

Liquid Loans

This is another very interesting coming to pulsechain.  It is a decentralized finance protocol on pulsechain.  It does the following tasks; It permits users to borrow against their pulse coin, earn money by providing liquidity, and create an algorithmic stablecoin native to the pulse ecosystem.  However, to get this token, you had to participate in the sacrifice phase.


Remember when I said every NFT minted on the Ethereum blockchain will be copied?  So every owner of their NFT will need a place to sell their copies.  Enter Mintra, the first NFT marketplace on Pulsechain.  It will have a native coin called MINT which could have been received by making a sacrifice.


What is Kira?  The shorthand answer is, I have zero idea.  It is a coin that will be airdropped to people who made a sacrifice in the pulse and pulseX ecosystem.  It might be worth paying attention for more details.

ERC Tokens with Strong Potential Value

Although all the ERC-20 tokens on the ethereum blockchain will be copied, not all of the tokens will have value on pulsechain.  This is because there will be a need for support on those coins or else they will fall to the wasteland.  However, some coins have potential to have utility on Pulsechain given the support they have on other blockchains.  This is by no means a guarantee they will have any value on Pulsechain.   Here is my list of coins.

The Stablecoins USDT, USDC and DAI

The only reason I have this on my list is because of the information we have from the pulse testnet.  If you look at the exchange, it lists DAI, USDC and USDT as possible coins to trade.  For this reason, it might be a good idea to have additional stablecoins in your wallet before the fork.

Curve (CRV)

If you look at the list of chains Curve supports according to Defi Llama, it is an insane number.  It currently supports 9 different chains.  Those are some insane numbers.  If pulsechain goes mainstream, why wouldn’t Curve Finance provide support for Pulsechain?  Given that pulsechain will be EVM compatible, and Curve supports large swaths of EVM compatible chains, why would another chain to support hurt them?

SushiSwap (Sushi)

According to Sushiswap’s website, they support 14 different chains.  This is a protocol that operates as a DEX, Lending, borrowing and leverage.  Given Sushi swap’s utility, this can be a major boon for pulsechain should they choose to support it.


This is another lending protocol which supports yield by creating a lending and borrowing protocol.  They already support multiple EVM chains like Fantom, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism.  They also provide services to chains like Harmony and Avalanche.  It wouldn’t be outlandish for them to add one more chain.

Spell Token (Spell)

A platform designed to create a collateralized stablecoin known as magic internet money.  It already supports multiple chains such as Fantom, Arbitrum, Binance smart chain and more.

Ankr (ANKR)

This is another EVM coin with multichain support.  ANKR is a distributed node infrastructure that is supporting multi chain operations and interoperability.  They already have copies of their token on moonriver and binance smartchain.

Synapse (SYN)

Basically a cross chain bridge between different chains.  Pulsechain will launch with its own bridge from the ethereum chain to pulsechain. This doesn’t mean that someone else will not try to create their own bridge.  

Stafi (FIS)

Stafi is a protocol which creates synthetic assets of staked assets on proof of stake blockchains.  Should pulsechain become a successful and widely used blockchain, it is very much in the possibility for Stafi to use pulsechain to create synthetic pulse tokens.

pNetwork (PNT)

This is another cross chain DAO.  Not only can you bridge coins like BTC, ETH and LTC, you can apparently send NFTs between chains.

Celer Network (CELR)

Another Interoperability platform.

KyberSwap (KNC)

KyberSwap is a decentralized exchange currently supporting 10 different chains.  Although PulseX is going to be the main official DEX of pulsechain, it doesn’t mean other protocols aren’t going to try to get into this game.

PickleFinance (Pickle)

Pickle Finance is a multichain yield aggregator.  If you start seeing high yields on Pulsechain, there is a very good chance they will being their farms onto the pulsechain.

BordingDAO (Boring)

Boring Dao is a dao used for wrapping assets onto multiple chains.

ERC-20 with weak support

On this list, I will be including assets that support multiple chains but aren’t likely to be supported on Pulsechain.  However, the previous list was speculative but has a fair chance of supporting Pulsechain given their multi chain support.

Synthetix (SNX)

Do I believe Synthetix is going to be supported on pulsechain?  Absolutely not.  However, there is an interesting reason to scoop up some Synthetix for the pulsechain copy.  My Mentor, DollarCostCrypto, has had a saying that there will be four different applications every blockchain will need going into the future; A layer-1 coin, A decentralized exchange, a lending protocol and a derivatives/Synthetic asset market.  Given that Pulsechain is EVM compatible, there is no reason why a reasonably insightful person couldn't steal the research and development from the Synthetix team.

Uniswap (UNI)

Despite the support for multiple EVM chains, they are heavily tied with the Ethereum foundation for support.  I do not think they are going support for Pulsechain.

Ribbon Finance

This is a futures market dapp.  While it currently supports multiple chains, its token is only available on Ethereum.  It isn’t likely to support a pulsechain version of the coin.

Saddle Finance

It is a dex specialized in pegged cryptocurrencies.  

Alpha Venture DAO (ALPHA)

Alpha Venture DAO is dedicated to funding projects for web3 development.  Given that pulsechain is much more community driven while ALPHA is more driven on becoming a capital venture group, it just seems like a mix of oil and water mixing.

I’m New to Pulsechain, where can I go to learn more about it?

Pulsechain Website: https://pulsechain.com/

PulseX Website: https://pulsex.com/

Richard Heart’s Website: https://richardheart.com/

Richard Heart’s Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCta3TYFhzfpPvOtKBDifYJA

Richard Heart’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichardHeartWin

Community members in the Hex/Pulse system

DollarCostCrypto: https://www.youtube.com/c/DollarCostCrypto

CryptoCoffee: https://www.youtube.com/c/CryptoCoffee369

Motely Investor: https://www.youtube.com/c/MotleyInvestor/featured

Balliet Bran: https://www.youtube.com/c/BallietBran

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